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About us

We are an Internet Service Provider offering domain registration services, hosting on cloud servers, and dedicated servers. We also offer advertising services to increase the traffic of your website and increase the visibility of your company.

Our philosophy is the "do-it-yourself" low cost and high quality. We've achieved this goal by creating a fully automated and easy-to-use domain registration platform.

Our strengths

  • We are accredited and certified registrar at italian registry of domain names (C.N.R. of Pisa) and also for europeans (EURID).
  • We can register and transfer internet domain names in real time, with no awkward waiting times.
  • Our system automatically executes user requests within 10 minutes, any operation such as domain registration, domain transfer, dns change, email creation or otherwise occurs almost in real time.
  • We offer Windows and Linux Hosting, both on Cloud platform, you can choose the best configuration you need.
  • On all hosting solutions, we provide and install free HTTPS certificates with TLS encryption and 2048 bit keys, to provide the maximum security available.
  • Unlike other vendors, we also offer low prices also on renewal, always maintaining a high quality of service offered.
  • The domain management panel is owned by us and is made internally to our structure, this panel is also available in the retailer version.
  • Our infrastructure is based on redundant cloud servers, our servers are configured and managed directly by our h24 engineers, minimizing any disruption.
  • Our technical staff consists of qualified people with 15 years of experience.

Telephone number

The phone number is only available for business contacts. However, we recommend that you contact us by email or with our contact form.

Phone: +39 0289605244

How to contact us

You can receive assistance by filling out the contact form. Your request will be forwarded to our staff and will reply to you as soon as possible.

Contact us

Corporate information

DominioFaiDaTe S.r.l.

Registered office: Via Palmiro Togliatti 6/G - 07100 Sassari (SS) - Italy

VAT code: 02350920902

Fiscal code: 02350920902

REA number: SS-167789

C.C.I.A.A.: Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Sassari

Share capital: € 10.002,00 entirely paid

Constitution: 25/03/2009

Legal form: Società a responsabilità limitata. Socio unico.

Do you need

Our staff is always at your disposal for any queries. Contact us for free and not demanding support.

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